Recipe Limone and Fragola Mandorla
Plated desserts

Limone and Fragola Mandorla


An original recipe by Casey Doody.
Makes 20 Cakes.

7 steps

Recipe Step by Step


Lemon Coulis

1250g Sugar

500g Lemon juice

6 Lemons, cut in half vertically

Cut lemons in half vertically and set to the side.

Make a dry caramel, take sugar to an amber golden color.

Deglaze with lemon juice.

Place caramel in a hotel pan and layer in lemons flesh side down so the rind part of the lemon is exposed.

Cover hotel pan with aluminum foil.

Place hotel pan in a 280F oven for 1-2 hours or until lemons are soft enough that they are easily broken down in a blender.

In a vita mix blend the soften lemons with some of the caramel juice until you get a smooth paste. Do this in small batches, make sure to use a chinois in between blending the coulis to ensure paste is extra smooth.

Cover with plastic wrap and chill coulis until ready to use in the semolina cake.


Lemon Semolina Cake

Ring mold is : JB Prince - M246-4.5 - 4 1/2 in Entremet Ring

600g Butter, unsalted

450g Sugar, demerara

9each Eggs, whole XL

600g Almond Flour

300g Semolina

17g Baking Powder

2g Salt

6g NOROHY Vanilla Paste 

6ea Lemon Zest

40g Lemon Coulis

1tsp Almond extract

Sliced Almonds as needed to sprinkle on top

In a stand mixer with a paddle attachment cream butter, sugar, salt, paste and zest on medium speed. Scrape down sides until smooth consistency.

Add in eggs one at a time.

Combine the wet ingredients with dry ingredients.

Fold in caramelized lemon coulis.

Pipe 100g of batter into a JB Prince - M246-4.5 - 4 1/2 in Entremet Ring mold. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top of batter before baking. Sprinkle a little bit of demerara with the sliced almonds to give a nice crust to the top of the cake.

Bake 325F, 10% humidity, 10 turn 10 (20 minutes).


Strawberry Coulis

1000g 100% FRUIT PUREE  (i.e. 100% strawberry fruit puree)

150g Sugar

4g Agar

2ea Gold Gelatin sheets

In a bowl mix together sugar and agar

In a pot bring puree to a boil.

Once puree starts boiling add in sugar/agar mixture.

Bring liquid back up to a boil before taking off heat and adding in the gelatin.

Set for at least 3-5 hours in the fridge, best if overnight.

When ready to use, Vitamix coulis until smooth consitency.

Reserve for plating.


Rhubarb, Pickled

183g Water

166g Sugar, granulated

179g San Giacomo White Vinegar

30g Grenadine

2g Crushed pink peppercorns

453g Rhubarb, cleaned and washed

Clean and cut the rhubarb stalks into small dice quarter inch cubes.

Simmer water, vinegar, grenadine, peppercorns and sugar until sugar has dissolved.

Strain out peppercorns and cool pickling liquid before compressing the diced rhubarb.

To compress rhubarb to pickle, place diced rhubarb in a vacuum sealer bag. Put enough pickling liquid in the bag to just barely cover the diced rhubarb. Using a chamber vacuum sealer machine place a filled pouch with rhubarb into the chamber, press to vacuum seal. The seal bar double-seals the pouch, guaranteeing complete, long-lasting closure. Place in cooler until ready to use for plating.


Vanilla Ice Cream

2000g Milk   

860g Cream

633g Sugar

130g Dextrose

170g NFMP

16g IC Stabelizer

20g NOROHY Vanilla Paste

Yields: 4qts

In a pot over medium heat, bring Milk, Cream, and Vanilla to 55C.

Wisk in dry ingredients.

Bring base up to 80C.

Chill base over ice bath.

Refrigerate overnight. Immersion blend, spin next day.


Opalys Basil Crème Pasti

250g Cream, 40%

250g Milk

80g Yolks

125g Sugar

80g OPALYS 33%

10g Basil

Yields: 735grams

17 portions, pour is 42g for plating

Wisk yolks and sugar together in a bowl.

In a pot bring to a simmer the desired amount of cream and milk.

Steep basil in dairy for 10 min. Strain out basil. And return liquid to pot.

Make an anglaise by tempering in the yolks and sugar mixture into the warm dairy liquid.

Whisk in your Opalys chocolate to the anglaise, whisk until incorporated. Transfer anglaise out of the pot, strain through a chinois and into a cambro, Immersion blend.

Cool down pasti in a ice water bath until chilled.

Reserve in the cooler until service


Rhubarb Curls for garnish


Using a peeler, peel strips of rhubarb and place in ice water. The ice water will cause the rhubarb to curl, creating an abstract garnish.

Assembly and finishing

Recipe Limone and Fragola Mandorla

Mandorlosa 1 each

1 Semolina Cake

Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

Strawberries, quartered

Pickled rhubarb

Creme Pasti

Gelato, Vanilla

Rhubarb curls to garnish

Basil, Micro to garnish

1. Toss equal parts; quartered strawberry slices and pickled rhubarb in the coulis, just to coat the fruit. This adds flavor and makes the fruit shine, look glossy.

2. Place mandorlosa semolina cake in the center of the plate.

3. Spoon the strawberry- rhubarb mixture (abut 40g ) from step 1 on top, to the right half of the semolina cake.

4. Quenelle a scoop of vanilla ice cream and put it next to the fruit on the left side of the cake.

5. Adorn the top with the micro basil and rhubarb curls.

6. Creme pasti is to be poured tableside.